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Publicity poster

Poster design    



The problem of global warming has aroused a lot of people's concern, and people even begin to worry that global warming may lead to the melting of Antarctic ice, even with disastrous consequences for the global climate. The design targets a poster from print, with a focus on typography. The client is the Climate Council of Australia, running a campaign targeting Australia's most climate-blind. The exact theme is global warming, to awaken people's awareness of global warming.


Based on the fact that the living environment of polar bears and Antarctic penguins is shrinking due to global warming, the poster shows the ice on the back of polar bears turning into a water lake, representing the melting glaciers and icebergs. The head and limbs of the opposing Bear use particle dissipation effect and structural gradient results to highlight the theme. Call on people to pay attention to global warming, protect the earth, protect wild animals, but also protect themselves.



Mood board


Final design

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